ADmed Claims

Hospital Diagnostic Claims

Hospital Diagnostic Claims
For Prior Approval, we require a letter signed by the referring physician stating the Client’s ailment(s), the name of the test(s) and the hospital at which test(s) will be done and the estimated cost. This letter can be emailed and or faxed to the ADmed Department at 675-7485. This information will be reviewed and a letter emailed and or faxed to the hospital stating the amount ADmed will cover.

Maritime will email the Prior Approval Letter within 24 hours Note: For Diagnostics, outside of an Accident or Emergency, the Client must be admitted at a hospital as an inpatient (must have an overnight stay) on an approved doctor’s recommendation in order to qualify for this benefit.

It is recommended that you call the ADmed Unit at 62-Admed (622-3633) for Prior Approval, on week days between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Note: For Diagnostics, outside of an Accident or Emergency, the Client must be admitted at a hospital as an inpatient (must have an overnight stay) on an approved doctor’s recommendation in order to qualify for this benefit

Surgical Claims

Surgical Claims
For Prior Approval, we require a letter signed by the Attending Physician or Surgeon stating Client’s ailment(s), the exact surgical procedure to be done and the estimated cost.

Accident and Emergency Claims

Accident and Emergency Claims
Maritime Life (Caribbean) Limited will pay the first 48 hours of expenses for Accident/Emergency cases up to a maximum level of Benefit per policy year.

The Hospital will be responsible for collecting any fees beyond the contract benefit payable.


ADmed Forms:
ADmed Claimant’s Statement
ADmed Statement of Attending Physician or Surgeon

For personal ADmed Claims Service, contact:

Name Email address
Kerri-Ann Hyndman-Borris [email protected]
Daesha Allen [email protected]
Cheryl-Ann Sylvester [email protected]

Please Note:

The claimant is the insured.
The Attending Physician or Surgeon is the doctor who attended to the insured.
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